What We Do

We help children, families and communities break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve through our three initiatives.


Latinas have the highest high school dropout rates and face challenges accessing higher education, leadership training, and professional networks.

We believe in educating and empowering Latinas. because when Latinas are educated and empowered, they are more likely to achieve leadership roles, influence systems, and inspire future generations.


Latina women face systemic barriers to healthcare access, mental health support, and reproductive justice, especially Spanish only speakers and low-income communities.

We believe in addressing health inequities ensures Latinas and their families thrive physically and emotionally, creating stronger communities.


Latina women face significant wage gaps, lack access to capital for business ventures, and disproportionately work in undervalued, low-wage industries. Addressing this will unlock generational wealth.

We believe in directly addressing systemic economic inequities while helping Latina women build businesses, generational wealth, and job opportunities.

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